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Lurex print is a type of yarn with a metallic appearance. The fabric comprises synthetic material onto which a metallic aluminum, silver, or gold coating has been vaporized. The term "lurex" can also apply to the fabric made from the fibers. Created as a synthetic alternative to more expensive fabrics such as silk or gold thread, poly lurex print fabric is often used to create shimmering evening wear. The metallic film used to develop lurex yarn is incredibly thin, meaning that when the yarn is woven into cloth, it has a shimmering and almost iridescent appearance. This appearance of the fabric is particularly eye-catching and is often used to create clothing that can stand out in a crowd. Finding poly lurex print fabric online can be a convenient way to access a wide range of options for your crafting projects. Here are Saurabh Emporium is a great platform for finding unique and custom fabric options.